Oilfield services

About SIAM Company

Day by day we work to perfect ourselves, our company and the world around us. We make every effort to provide benefits to our customers and then some. Each day is the set of opportunities for a better tomorrow. And we take full advantage of those.

The mission of BU SIAM

Values of BU SIAM

The mission of BU SIAM

Studying Earth’s subsurface and helping generate energy, we try making people’s lives easier. We are pleased to learn something new and forge ahead. We change the world and we change with it.

Values of BU SIAM

Market orientation

We listen to our clients with close attention and spend a lot of time communicating with them. As a result, we find new development pathways.

Rapid change

We are not afraid of learning something new, achieving new competences and offering new goods or service to the market.

Guiding principles

Development benchmarks of our company

Past experience – future innovations

SIAM is one of the most experienced companies in the Russian market. We have been providing oilfield services for more than 30 years. These are:
  • pta;
  • chemical analysis laboratory;
  • gas and gas condensate well survey;
  • tracer analyses;
  • well testing;
Our purpose for the foreseeable future is to grow, to develop and improve complex approaches to challenges in our sphere and of course to expand our global reach.

With open eyes on the right path

We survey oil, gas and gas condensate wells. We are equipped with a fleet of mobile well testing lab and tools. The main of them are: wireless and mono-unit echometers and dynamometers, wellhead and downhole pressure and temperature gauges, water cut sensors for flowmeter, explosion-proof controllers, running – pulling tools.

Correct information – sound decisions

The results of precise surveys allow making sound decisions on field development. After works being carried out, subsoil users realize obvious benefits of partnership with SIAM Company.
They are:
  • gathering full information about a geological object;
  • prompt assessment of this object;
  • cost saving on surface facilities;
  • optimisation of current production and development

Create, systematize, expand

Since the establishment of our company, we have developed and updated proprietary software. It is used in all areas connected with oil and gas field data processing.
Our software has all the things needed: from systems of data gathering and processing to mobile apps and customer services. Every day we update software programs to improve work quality. We gradually launch them on the market and share experience with our partners.
Our mission is to develop a reliable system solving any engineering challenges of production and oilfield services.

Work experience of technological leadership

Since 1990 Tomsk scientific industrial introduction company SIAM has been developing and producing equipment for well testing. In the course of the company's existence, a lot of unique tools, most of which are patented, have been invented.
If it is necessary, we furnish additional equipment for maximum efficient work at a site.

Guiding principles

Development benchmarks of our company

SIAM is one of the most experienced companies in the Russian market. We have been providing oilfield services for more than 30 years. These are:
  • pta;
  • chemical analysis laboratory;
  • gas and gas condensate well survey;
  • tracer analyses;
  • well testing;
Our purpose for the foreseeable future is to grow, to develop and improve complex approaches to challenges in our sphere and of course to expand our global reach.

We survey oil, gas and gas condensate wells. We are equipped with a fleet of mobile well testing lab and tools. The main of them are: wireless and mono-unit echometers and dynamometers, wellhead and downhole pressure and temperature gauges, water cut sensors for flowmeter, explosion-proof controllers, running – pulling tools.

The results of precise surveys allow making sound decisions on field development. After works being carried out, subsoil users realize obvious benefits of partnership with SIAM Company.
They are:
  • gathering full information about a geological object;
  • prompt assessment of this object;
  • cost saving on surface facilities;
  • optimisation of current production and development

Since the establishment of our company, we have developed and updated proprietary software. It is used in all areas connected with oil and gas field data processing.
Our software has all the things needed: from systems of data gathering and processing to mobile apps and customer services. Every day we update software programs to improve work quality. We gradually launch them on the market and share experience with our partners.
Our mission is to develop a reliable system solving any engineering challenges of production and oilfield services.

Since 1990 Tomsk scientific industrial introduction company SIAM has been developing and producing equipment for well testing. In the course of the company's existence, a lot of unique tools, most of which are patented, have been invented.
If it is necessary, we furnish additional equipment for maximum efficient work at a site.


We use complex methods to tackle any tasks and to provide services we are competent in.



Tomsk scientific industrial introduction company SIAM develops and produces a wide range of equipment and tools to monitor the work of wells and to conduct well testing from wellhead pressure gauge to permanent monitoring systems. Our products are in great demand and have a lot of favourable feedback



SIAM MASTER Ltd. has provided turnkey oilfield services. Services include surveys at any stage of the complete life cycle of any well. Our customers are the largest oil and gas companies, such as PJSC NK Rosneft, PJSC Gazpromneft, PJSC Novatek.



Engineering center SIAM MASTER Ltd. provides analytical services in development and monitoring of fields, interpretation of production test data, production logging and pressure transient analysis. We also carry out highly specialized scientific research projects and experimental-industrial research.


Short-term training

One of the additional areas of the engineering center is consulting in the form of face-to-face training or webinars. Themes of training deal with the main activity areas of pressure transient analysis. We can share gained practical experience with our trainees. The quality and use of courses are confirmed with positive feedback.

Our history

Decades of experience in the oil and gas industry, a store of implemented ideas and innovative ideas to promote, unquenchable creative spirit and pursuance of sustainable development as well as talented professional staff are about SIAM Company. It is the company which forges ahead and works for the good of the oil and gas industry and looks ahead to the bright and prosperous future.


Digitalisation of processes


Writing of unique software


The development of the gas project department


Joining with Integra Group


Entrance to the world market and a new office building


First services and analytics


Opening and development of a factory


A new office building of the company


The establishment of the company and the design engineering department
Digitalisation has been developing rapidly for the last 5 years. As the company with considerable experience and appreciation for endogenous processes at the level of decision-making, we have formulated the concept of production digitalisation at the stage of geological prospecting work.
We think that the most important stage in the development cycle of a geological object is the first days and months as it is exactly when we can get all necessary information about it, assess the potential and adopt a development strategy. It is essential for the first Object data to be standardized and collected continuously. It permits their efficient processing, thorough analysis and getting reports to make the right decision on development.
Nowadays the amount of information is growing, it is often scattered and can’t be processed and analyzed. It requires more time for qualified engineers to perform the routine. All this can be solved by applying the SIAM concept of digitizing geological prospecting work.
We have all instruments and suggest combining them in one integrated system which allows monitoring the geological object from the first day.
Competences of SIAM engineering analytical center and data management algorithms allow noticing minor fluctuations in reservoir or well head pressure and predicting production characteristics of the object.
We have been leaning toward import substitution of software technologies since 2016. Together with our partners we developed a new software application SIAM WELLTEST. It is a comprehensive tool to interpret research data relating to PTA. The quick multi- platform user-friendly application is gaining popularity in the market of PTA.
In the course of further development of proprietary software from 2022-2025 SIAM Company is heading for the creation of a new software and hardware appliance SIAM WorkFlow, which will represent a new unique system of gathering, storing and processing incoming data from various research equipment and software products as well as interpreting research data of any complexity. The development of such a system means its integrity with SIAM WELLTEST software and other modules. An absolutely new approach in the service sector will allow creating a peerless system.
The development of the gas project department We start developing a new business area for SIAM, gas and gas condensate well testing.
Our competences were promoted due to the professionalism of new employees who had over 20-year experience in operating gas wells including wells in geologically complicated reservoirs (abnormally high reservoir pressure, abnormally low reservoir pressure and so on).
The basis for a new service, pilot oil production, was established at the first projects of Arktikgaz, NOVATEK-PUR, Messoyaha. Over the years POP was developed into early production technology (EPT). It is used by Gazprom company to improve the development efficiency of small remote autonomous sites, being in the self-supported mode in the presence of high geological and technological risks.
Since 2021 we are the part of an interdisciplinary team of market development of Mobile systems for gas and gas condensate treatment.
Despite the high competition we are sure we can occupy the niche in the market of well survey, especially as the number of difficult wells is increasing. Gained competences in implementing early production projects will help offer subsoil users research of high quality.
SIAM Company became part of the biggest Russian oilfield services holding company - Integra Group in 2011. Established in March 2004 to set up high-technology oilfield service group, Integra is one of industry leaders in Russia in oilfield service.
From the date of its establishment Integra has consolidated18 acquired strategic assets - oilfield services companies, manufactures of equipment for the oil and gas sector in Russia and CIS nations. Minimum organizational changes were made when SIAM joined the holding company. SIAM Company continues to operate in the market under its trademark and in its style – style of innovations, creative work and implementing moonshot projects.
An advanced stage of SIAM Company development resulted from the establishment of an engineering subdivision and its cooperation with a services subdivision in the sphere of well testing. By 2008 an innovative oilfield services company had been established. This company is intent on getting reliable information about a producing field and holds leading positions in its business segments in Russia.
Following the principles of ongoing development SIAM Company was looking for opportunities of expanding the business. We entered a world market with both equipment and analytical services in 2008 - 2010. We were offered an ambitious project on reservoir engineering of a field in Sudan. We also received orders for analytics in other countries.
By 2010 we had outgrown our office in Televizionniy lane and factory. That is for the 20th anniversary Tomsk employees were presented with a gift – a modern three-floored office building in a historic area of the city with all necessary infrastructure in Oktyabrskaya street, 100 meters from the former office. Branch Directors, heads of engineering analytical centers and key employees of SIAM from all over the country were invited to its opening. Now this building is the main corporate headquarters in Tomsk.
The history of SIAM Company as a developer and producer of equipment demonstrates bold ideas, hard work, rises and falls. It is the history of a pioneer company, whose leadership results from striving to do better what was done well, to understand market needs and to be the first to do it. All these factors resulted in the development of a services subdivision by SIAM management team. Thus, the first professional service company in terms of well survey Ltd.
Kontrol – servis was founded to become a contractor for Oil/Gas Production Division Strezhevoyneft in Russia in January 2001. The principle of SIAM – not chasing the market, but shaping the future individually – illustrated 100% success.
The growth of intellectual component in services, common industry trends and search for development options necessitated establishing another branch – service branch, specialized in analytical field development services.
In 2005 the Centre of field development analysis and modelling was established. Some graduates of Tomsk Polytechnic University center – Heroit Watt were invited to join in. An engineering analysis department appeared and the company entered the market segment of development analysis and modelling, which previously belonged only to foreign companies and specialized design institutes.
The 10th anniversary of SIAM Company was marked by considerable growth in demand for our tools and set up a mission to expand and improve current manufacturing and cooperation between different departments, to search for new production facilities. SIAM grew to have its own factory!
Our leaders viewed a lot of production facilities in the city when Lavrov V.V. paid attention to a small factory in Belaya street, next to SIAM’s office. It belonged to CJSC Pushkinskoe and was at the stage of bankruptcy.
Thus, SIAM Company acquired its own factory. Siam was the first in the market to stop using contractors services and to launch the production of full-circle equipment. It allowed the quality to reach new heights.
Years of hard work, constant capital improvement, but more importantly, self-belief made SIAM factory what it is today.
The company is 5 years old! This date was marked with buying a «home» for all employees – a building in Krivoy Lane, 3.
Soon afterwards Tomsk city government made a decision to rename it as Televizionniy. It seemed that the appearance of an innovative company in this lane resulted in giving a new modern name to it.
The building was not completed till the end, base construction only, and its final appearance was presented in 2004. But SIAM employees were pleased to get their own space. It was the period of great warm atmosphere, when small staff worked and rested as one big family.
On the basis of the association of scientific-technical creativity of youth «Poisk» which gathered a team of 11 young engineers, TSIIC SIAM Tomsk scientific industrial introduction company «Systems of measurement and field automation» was registered on 7 September, 1990. A start was made!
The competences of the company's founders in equipment engineering for the oil and gas industry defined the specialization of a new micro enterprise activity. At that time it was decided to start developing 3 areas:
- drilling process control (in particular, control of drilling fluid level)
- measurement of tubing length
- liquid level control in tankfarm.
One year later a decision to establish a design engineering department was taken. The aim was to create, to create something new in high demand for the oil industry – to set up a business which would be relevant for many years.
A young company rented some workshop premises from the electronic mechanical college at the following address: Tomsk city, Irkutskiy Tract street. Manufacturing, design engineering department and office were housed there.
The first products offered by SIAM to customers were electronic autonomous pipe measurers: PIT-1, PIT-3, PIT-5.

История компании

Подробнее о том как развивалась наша компания

Digitalisation has been developing rapidly for the last 5 years. As the company with considerable experience and appreciation for endogenous processes at the level of decision-making, we have formulated the concept of production digitalisation at the stage of geological prospecting work.
We think that the most important stage in the development cycle of a geological object is the first days and months as it is exactly when we can get all necessary information about it, assess the potential and adopt a development strategy. It is essential for the first Object data to be standardized and collected continuously. It permits their efficient processing, thorough analysis and getting reports to make the right decision on development.
Nowadays the amount of information is growing, it is often scattered and can’t be processed and analyzed. It requires more time for qualified engineers to perform the routine. All this can be solved by applying the SIAM concept of digitizing geological prospecting work.
We have all instruments and suggest combining them in one integrated system which allows monitoring the geological object from the first day.
Competences of SIAM engineering analytical center and data management algorithms allow noticing minor fluctuations in reservoir or well head pressure and predicting production characteristics of the object.

We have been leaning toward import substitution of software technologies since 2016. Together with our partners we developed a new software application SIAM WELLTEST. It is a comprehensive tool to interpret research data relating to PTA. The quick multi- platform user-friendly application is gaining popularity in the market of PTA.
In the course of further development of proprietary software from 2022-2025 SIAM Company is heading for the creation of a new software and hardware appliance SIAM WorkFlow, which will represent a new unique system of gathering, storing and processing incoming data from various research equipment and software products as well as interpreting research data of any complexity. The development of such a system means its integrity with SIAM WELLTEST software and other modules. An absolutely new approach in the service sector will allow creating a peerless system.

The development of the gas project department We start developing a new business area for SIAM, gas and gas condensate well testing.
Our competences were promoted due to the professionalism of new employees who had over 20-year experience in operating gas wells including wells in geologically complicated reservoirs (abnormally high reservoir pressure, abnormally low reservoir pressure and so on).
The basis for a new service, pilot oil production, was established at the first projects of Arktikgaz, NOVATEK-PUR, Messoyaha. Over the years POP was developed into early production technology (EPT). It is used by Gazprom company to improve the development efficiency of small remote autonomous sites, being in the self-supported mode in the presence of high geological and technological risks.
Since 2021 we are the part of an interdisciplinary team of market development of Mobile systems for gas and gas condensate treatment.
Despite the high competition we are sure we can occupy the niche in the market of well survey, especially as the number of difficult wells is increasing. Gained competences in implementing early production projects will help offer subsoil users research of high quality.

SIAM Company became part of the biggest Russian oilfield services holding company - Integra Group in 2011. Established in March 2004 to set up high-technology oilfield service group, Integra is one of industry leaders in Russia in oilfield service.
From the date of its establishment Integra has consolidated18 acquired strategic assets - oilfield services companies, manufactures of equipment for the oil and gas sector in Russia and CIS nations. Minimum organizational changes were made when SIAM joined the holding company. SIAM Company continues to operate in the market under its trademark and in its style – style of innovations, creative work and implementing moonshot projects.

An advanced stage of SIAM Company development resulted from the establishment of an engineering subdivision and its cooperation with a services subdivision in the sphere of well testing. By 2008 an innovative oilfield services company had been established. This company is intent on getting reliable information about a producing field and holds leading positions in its business segments in Russia.
Following the principles of ongoing development SIAM Company was looking for opportunities of expanding the business. We entered a world market with both equipment and analytical services in 2008 - 2010. We were offered an ambitious project on reservoir engineering of a field in Sudan. We also received orders for analytics in other countries.
By 2010 we had outgrown our office in Televizionniy lane and factory. That is for the 20th anniversary Tomsk employees were presented with a gift – a modern three-floored office building in a historic area of the city with all necessary infrastructure in Oktyabrskaya street, 100 meters from the former office. Branch Directors, heads of engineering analytical centers and key employees of SIAM from all over the country were invited to its opening. Now this building is the main corporate headquarters in Tomsk.

The history of SIAM Company as a developer and producer of equipment demonstrates bold ideas, hard work, rises and falls. It is the history of a pioneer company, whose leadership results from striving to do better what was done well, to understand market needs and to be the first to do it. All these factors resulted in the development of a services subdivision by SIAM management team. Thus, the first professional service company in terms of well survey Ltd.
Kontrol – servis was founded to become a contractor for Oil/Gas Production Division Strezhevoyneft in Russia in January 2001. The principle of SIAM – not chasing the market, but shaping the future individually – illustrated 100% success.
The growth of intellectual component in services, common industry trends and search for development options necessitated establishing another branch – service branch, specialized in analytical field development services.
In 2005 the Centre of field development analysis and modelling was established. Some graduates of Tomsk Polytechnic University center – Heroit Watt were invited to join in. An engineering analysis department appeared and the company entered the market segment of development analysis and modelling, which previously belonged only to foreign companies and specialized design institutes.

The 10th anniversary of SIAM Company was marked by considerable growth in demand for our tools and set up a mission to expand and improve current manufacturing and cooperation between different departments, to search for new production facilities. SIAM grew to have its own factory!
Our leaders viewed a lot of production facilities in the city when Lavrov V.V. paid attention to a small factory in Belaya street, next to SIAM’s office. It belonged to CJSC Pushkinskoe and was at the stage of bankruptcy.
Thus, SIAM Company acquired its own factory. Siam was the first in the market to stop using contractors services and to launch the production of full-circle equipment. It allowed the quality to reach new heights.
Years of hard work, constant capital improvement, but more importantly, self-belief made SIAM factory what it is today.

The company is 5 years old! This date was marked with buying a «home» for all employees – a building in Krivoy Lane, 3.
Soon afterwards Tomsk city government made a decision to rename it as Televizionniy. It seemed that the appearance of an innovative company in this lane resulted in giving a new modern name to it.
The building was not completed till the end, base construction only, and its final appearance was presented in 2004. But SIAM employees were pleased to get their own space. It was the period of great warm atmosphere, when small staff worked and rested as one big family.

On the basis of the association of scientific-technical creativity of youth «Poisk» which gathered a team of 11 young engineers, TSIIC SIAM Tomsk scientific industrial introduction company «Systems of measurement and field automation» was registered on 7 September, 1990. A start was made!
The competences of the company's founders in equipment engineering for the oil and gas industry defined the specialization of a new micro enterprise activity. At that time it was decided to start developing 3 areas:
- drilling process control (in particular, control of drilling fluid level)
- measurement of tubing length
- liquid level control in tankfarm.
One year later a decision to establish a design engineering department was taken. The aim was to create, to create something new in high demand for the oil industry – to set up a business which would be relevant for many years.
A young company rented some workshop premises from the electronic mechanical college at the following address: Tomsk city, Irkutskiy Tract street. Manufacturing, design engineering department and office were housed there.
The first products offered by SIAM to customers were electronic autonomous pipe measurers: PIT-1, PIT-3, PIT-5.

Our clients

We cooperate effectively with leading domestic and foreign oil companies.

Our global reach

Our branches with contact details in the map

SIAM map

SIAM Company Ltd. works since
1990 and occupies a large market share.

SIAM has 15 branches and regional offices at the moment

Feedback from companies

Read our clients feedback in the form of official letters

Contact us

If you have any question connected with SIAM Company,
leave your email address and we will contact you