Oilfield services

Production logging analysis

General information

Working language:


The training duration:

40 hours

The target audience:

Specialists in the sphere of oil and gas field development and operation.


The office of SIAM MASTER Ltd: 10 a Oktyabrskaya street, Tomsk 634003. The minimum number of trainees for the training is 6.

Acquiring basic knowledge and skills in the field of interpretation of production logging and development of skills to make prompt decisions on optimizing flooding system at different stages of development.


  • training is conducted in the form of online training which implies audiovisual delivery (presentation) and active involvement of trainees;
  • discussion of problems and questions;
  • practice using specialized software;


  • acquiring basic knowledge and skills in the field of interpretation of production logging;
  • understanding and quality control of production logging interpretation;

Training content

1 day

The classification of well-logging technique. Cores: coring methods, classifications of core analysis types. The concept of sharing data of core petrophysics and production logging material. Matching cores and depth. the classification of rocks types, pore space types. Examples of production logging interpretation software. production logging interpretation application.

2 day

Physical principles of production logging methods. lithology sequencing. Identification of reservoir and non-reservoir intervals. Techniques of determining and using boundary values. Practical work on delineation of permeable sublayers.

3 day

Techniques of core analyses of porosity, residual-oil saturation, single-phase flow. Geophysical methods of porosity estimation. Classical equation, error sources. typical curves using. Effect of inteference. Methods of porosity interpretation quality assessment.

4 day

The problem of saturation. Techniques of core analyses of residual water saturation, electrical and wicking properties. Correlations of permeability, residual water saturation, resistivity, electrical properties. Geophysical methods of reservoir oil saturation evaluation. The problem of considering effect of interference. Practice work on determination of permeability and porosity using production logging. Quality control.

5 day

Monitoring of current reservoir oil saturation and reservoir watercut; pulsed neutron logging. Carbon-oxygen logging. The problem of testing reservoir properties of structural complexity layers. Reservoir typing. The problem of testing reservoir properties of structural complexity layers. Polymineral rock skeleton, different types of pore space. Questions and answers. Feedback from trainees.

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