Oilfield services

The basis of oil and gas fields designing, development and operation

General information

Working language:


The training duration:

32 hours

The target audience:

Specialists in the sphere of oil and gas field development and operation, reservoir production improvement.


The office of SIAM MASTER Ltd: 10 a Oktyabrskaya street, Tomsk 634003. The minimum number of trainees for the training is 6.

Increase of control over field development based on multiple and diverse data at different stages of development and acquiring skills in analytic rapid assessment of field development.


  • training is conducted in the form of online training which implies audiovisual delivery (presentation) and active involvement of trainees;
  • discussion of problems and questions;


  • increase of control over field development based on multiple and diverse data at different stages of development;
  • acquiring skills in analytic rapid assessment of field development;

Training content

1 day

Reservoir geology. Features of field formation. Types of reservoirs and characteristics of their development. Laboratory petrophysics. Physical/chemical properties of formation fluids. Reservoir fluids. Reservoir physics (relative permeabilities, capillar pressure).

2 day

Drilling of wells, offshore, onshore. Types of well injection. Reservoir and production engineering. Borehole spacing, pattern arrangement. Surface equipment and infrastructure. Collection system of initial information. The concept «Smart well».

3 day

The beginning of field exploitation. Production periods. Oil and gas reservoir drives. Flowing well operation. Waterflooding system. Types of flooding. Well waters out. Pumping. Types of pumps, conditions of their application. The optimisation of production process.

4 day

Production decline. Analytical methods of reserve recovery quality assessment. Field life extension. Tertiary recovery methods. Stimulation. Field tests. Economics of field development. Field decommissioning. Requirements to wells and field decommissioning. Questions and answers. Feedback from trainees.

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